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Ready for Love
Who Is This Program For?
Program Description?
Ignite Your Courage Yoga (14:46)
Lesson 1- Am I My Best Self?
Am I my best self?
Lesson 2- What Do I Really Want?
What do I really want?
Your Tasks
Open Heart Gratitude Yoga (5:45)
Lesson 3-Dig Further...
Why haven't I met someone?
Some Theories
Your Tasks
Lesson 4-Am I Too Needy?
Too Needy?
Your tasks
Lesson 5-Am I Too Picky?
Too Picky?
Your tasks
Lesson 6- You Want Someone who Doesn't want you
Do I want people who don't want me?
Your tasks
Open Heart Gratitude Yoga (17:22)
Lesson 7- Your Behavior or Belief System Is Messing You Up
Is my belief system the problem?
Your Tasks
Lesson 8- Your Past Hurt Is Keeping You Stuck
Is my past keeping me stuck?
Healing Meditation (6:14)
Your tasks
Lesson 9- You Aren't Picking Up the Cues and Messages Men Give
Am I missing the cues?
Your Tasks
Lesson 10-You are afraid of getting hurt...
Afraid of getting hurt!
Ignite your Courage Yoga (14:46)
Your tasks
Lesson 11- Have Your Own Life
I need my own life
Your Tasks
Lesson 12- The Fun Part: Dating
Important! Finding someone during COVID pandemic
Healing Meditation (6:14)
Lesson 13- Screening and Filter
Screening and filtering for the GOOD ones
Lesson 14- Deal Breakers Are Deal Breakers
Your Tasks
Lesson 15- Ground Rules
Ground rules!
Wrap Up
What's next
A kind wish
Teach online with
Why haven't I met someone?
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